A Day at Camp (From a Student's Perspective)
Meet Emily Trowbridge
I found the task of describing a “typical” day at Masterpiece not only daunting, but impossible. For me, one of the most beautifully unique aspects of Masterpiece is how fluid the days become. The schedule begins to flow less around time slots and more around the unique activities and plans God has for us every day of camp. But a “typical” day would go something like this:
Waking up after staying up late chit-chatting and having spontaneous worship sessions or dance parties the night before can be brutal, but being greeted by an amazing staff for a delicious breakfast makes it all worth it. My favorite part of the meals is the creative prayers that happen before every meal—art finds its way into every bit of Masterpiece life.
After breakfast, it’s off to work—if you can even call it that. Studio time is a highlight in everyone’s day. As artists, having a time set aside to work on our craft with incredible instructors and no outside distractions is invaluable. I spent three of my four years at Masterpiece in the songwriting studio, and throughout the other 358 days of the year, I longed for the hours I would have at camp to be alone with my thoughts, God, and my guitar.
After lunch is time for the Fab Collab, otherwise known as the weeklong camp-wide project that stretches our communicative and teamwork skills to practically the breaking point. But it pays off in the end. We are given the basic structure of the project we will present on the last day of camp, and we are then told to “go.” At first, heads are scratched and chaos ensues, but once creative juices start flowing, the loose parameters lead to a truly incredible outcome.
My favorite part of a “typical” Masterpiece day happens in the time after dinner. Open Mic. Whether it is lip-syncing an opera piece, a puppet show, an original song or dance, or showing off a newly-finished painting, Open Mic is the time when we are able to display our artistry and be encouraged by our fellow artists that what we are doing truly is a talent.
Then it’s off to bed (supposedly). But first, there’s time for a quick dessert, laying on the dewy hill and looking for shooting stars, and sitting in a circle to listen to stories from our cabin leaders.
There really is nothing typical about Masterpiece. This is a basic outline of a day, but every day is completely different—except in one area. Every day and every aspect of Masterpiece overflows with the love of a very creative God.
I’d had groups of friends who were artists, and groups of friends who were Christians, but to be in a place filled with people who loved God and the arts has been an experience like no other. I went to Masterpiece my freshman year believing I wasn’t really an artist. I left after four years knowing that I have in fact been blessed artistically—with gifts from a God who is the Ultimate Artist.
Emily Trowbridge attended camp all 4 years of high school. She graduated from Wheaton College and now teaches high school.